Community Happenings

he Town Council has announced that it anticipates filling an existing Councilmember vacancy through an appointment process. Should the Town Council decide to formally appoint an individual to the vacant seat, a special meeting will be held Jan. 13, where the new Town Councilmember will be appointed and sworn into office.

The Holidays wrapped up with several great celebrations and events. Decoration displays in and around O’Brien Park and Discovery Park, Parker Ice Trail at Discovery Park, Holidays Home Decorating Contest, and the Hometown Holiday experiences downtown were just some of the great opportunities for locals to celebrate the holiday season.

Construction of the Town Hall addition reached a major milestone as the final steel beam of the soared into place. Prior to the topping out ceremony, Town of Parker staff, Mayor and Town Council, and Planning Commission members were invited to sign the beam. It was then lifted into position. Final completion is expected in early 2026.

he Town Council has announced that it anticipates filling an existing Councilmember vacancy through an appointment process. Should the Town Council decide to formally appoint an individual to the vacant seat, a special meeting will be held Jan. 13, where the new Town Councilmember will be appointed and sworn into office.